onetwentythree ltd

Learning & Development Professional Services
Bring growth and learning to your team. ​
The demand for professional development is on the rise. It is an essential ingredient to any engagement and retention initiative. It is the companion to long-term succession planning efforts. And growing your workforce to adapt now and in the future can't happen without it. ​
Every organization has unique learning development needs. You may be on the lookout for a consultant to evaluate and assess your learning needs, support for an existing learning and development team or program, or bespoke training and facilitation. ​
Learning is the foundation of organizational success. This is my philosophy and the core of my approach to learning and development in action. Training and learning activities I support, design, and deliver are aligned to strategic goals, connected to measures of success, and have the learner's job performance in mind.
How We Learn at Work
People are capable of making choices, learning, and changing.
This means that we can participate in learning and development experiences and grow based on our choices and willingness to learn.
Adults are full partners in their own learning.
When an adult participates in training, they bring their own unique experience and knowledge to the event. These are not only worthy of the trainer's respect, they are vital to the training and its impact. Adults can and should own their own growth and share what they know in the process.
Learning is fueled by empathy.
When we engage with the world around us, empathy allows us to intake and imagine the experiences, emotions, knowledge, and challenges of others. This is the first step to lasting learning.
Leading and learning are intrinsically connected.
People who want to lead must be willing and able to learn.
Not ready to schedule a consultation?
Complete this form to get in touch and share your learning needs.